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Principles And Lawful Basis
Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently
Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary
Accurate, and where necessary, kept up to date
Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security
Kept for no longer than is necessary
Lawful Basis
Data Protection Guidelines
Data Protection and Schools
What is Data Protection?
Who is the data controller in schools/ETBs?
The Role of the Data Protection Commissioner
Do Schools/ETBs have to have a Data Protection Officer?
Data Protection Key Terms
Compliance Audit
Compliance Checklist
Compliance to Do List
Sensitive Personal Data
Collection and retention of Sensitive Personal Data
Sensitive Personal Data - Employees
Sensitive Personal Data – Students
Records Retention
Retention Records Schedule
Student Records Retention
What makes up a Student Record?
Student enrolment application forms
Student Attendance Records
Students transferring between schools
Transferring data in relation to students with special educational needs
Removal from the register
Child Protection Records
Employees Records
Employee Records Policy
Recruitment & Selection Process
Garda Vetting Outcomes/Disclosures
Payroll Records
Health & Safety Records
CCTV Records
School Tours information
Fundraising and Direct Marketing
Charitable Donations
Banking information (Direct Debit/Credit Card etc.)
Retention Periods for Credit/Debit Card Details
School Closure/Amalgamation
Boards of Management Minutes
Data Access Requests
Parental Access Requests
State Requests for information
Handling requests to rectify personal data
There is No Age of Consent for Access Requests
Requests for CCTV footage held
Data Subject Access Requests
Is a school/ETB obliged to seek proof of identity?
What should you do if a request is made under FOI?
Storage & Security
Data Security Guidance
Guidance on Laptops and other portable devices
Logs and Audit Trails
Use of CCTV Systems in Schools
Covert Surveillance
What if a school is asked by a law enforcement authority for access to the recordings?
Guidelines on use of CCTV Footage
Taking & Using Images/Photos
What is considered good practice when schools/ETBs take photos of their students?
What is ‘informed consent’?
Images taken by pupils
Coursework Photos/Images
Other People Taking Photos of Children at School Events
Use of PPS numbers
Relevant Use of a PPS
Third Party Service Agreements
Legal Obligations
Content of the Service Agreement
Schools & Direct Marketing
Contact in Case of Emergency
Information, Unsubscribing, & Penalties
School Websites
What should be in a Website Privacy Statement?
Biometric Systems
Carrying out a Privacy Impact Assessment
Transferring Personal Data Abroad
What is an adequate level of data protection?
Past Events
Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS)
ACCS is the national representative association for the 94 Community and Comprehensive post-primary schools nationwide.
An Foras Pátrúnachta
An Foras Pátrúnachta is a patron of Irish medium schools in Ireland at both primary and secondary level.
Church of Ireland
The Church of Ireland Board of Education is an advisory body providing general management and policy guidance for schools under Protestant patronage.
Catholic Primary Schools Management Association (CPSMA)
CPSMA is a recognised school management organisation. It represents the boards of management of in excess of 2,900 primary schools in Ireland.
Educate Together
Educate Together is a patron body of schools in Ireland that are run according to the Educate Together charter.
Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI)
ETBI is the national representative association for Ireland’s sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs). ETBs and ETBI came into establishment on 1 July 2013 and were formerly VECs and IVEA respectively.
Gaelscoileanna Teo
Gaelscoileanna Teo. is the co-ordinating and advocacy organisation for the all-Irish schools. It operates on an all-island level representing and supporting Irish-medium education at pre-schooling, primary and post-primary levels.
Is í Gaelscoileanna Teo. an eagraíocht chomhordaithe agus tacaíochta do na scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge. Feidhmíonn sí ar bhonn uile-oileáin ag déanamh ionadaíochta agus ag cur tacaíochta ar fáil don oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge ag leibhéal na réamhscoile, bunscoile agus iarbhunscoile.
Joint Managerial Body (JMB)
The JMB through the Secretariat of Secondary Schools provides a range of advice and support services, in addition to negotiating on behalf of school management in the network of 400 voluntary secondary schools.
Muslim Primary Education Board (MPEB)
MPEB is a patron body of the Muslim schools in Ireland to act on its behalf as the management body for the existing Muslim national schools established under the Department of Education and Skills.
National Association of Boards of Management in Special Education (NABMSE)
NABMSE is the management voice of Special Education in Ireland which seeks to support Boards of Management of schools providing education for children with special needs in Ireland and is a recognised partner in the education process.