Employee Records Policy
Save in the case of ETB schools where the ETB is the employer, the board of management is the employer of all teaching and non-teaching staff in the school.
It should be the policy of the school or ETB to maintain employee records which are accurate, comprehensive, relevant to its needs, and not excessive. See Records Retention Schedule
Records are retained for the following purposes:
- To retain full and relevant details of existing and former staff, inter alia for compliance with the school's/ETB’s legal obligations as an employer.
- To provide information for returns to Government departments and agencies.
- To administer pay and other benefits.
Reviews are conducted periodically to ensure that records and information are not unduly duplicated and that obsolete data is securely disposed of. Employee records are retained on manual files and on computer. with appropriate levels of organisational arrangements and technical measures to ensure they are kept safe and secure, and only seen by those personnel who are entitled to have access to same.