Sensitive Personal Data - Employees
Certain categories of information are categorised as “sensitive” under data protection legislation.
Click here to view the definition of sensitive personal data
Some examples of sensitive personal data which a school/ETB HR department may hold about their employees:
1. Medical/Occupational Health Assessment: A school/ETB will request all employees to undergo a medical/occupational health service assessment prior to commencing employment, upon return to teaching following an absence in excess of 2 years, during and/or following sickness absence or where health problems become evident during employment or where ill-health retirement is being considered. This is in order for the school to comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and relevant Department of Education and Skills circulars. The result of the medical assessment is retained by the school/ETB on the employee’s personnel file.
2. Medical Certificates/Sickness Absences: The school will also keep a record of sickness absences.
The purpose of keeping sickness absence records for teachers and other staff is to:
- Administer sick pay and disability entitlement under circulars (see relevant DES circulars);
- To monitor and manage sickness absence,
- To meet the school’s obligations as an employer by ensuring that, for example, teachers are fit to teach and their duties are not having a negative impact on their health,
- To assist with applications by employees for ill-health retirement pension benefits and to comply with health and safety obligations.
- Satisfactory health is also one of the conditions of admission to the Superannuation Scheme.
(a) Information Regarding Trade Union Membership. The Department of Education and Skills/ETBs (as paymaster) hold this information for the purposes of facilitating the deduction-at-source of union subscriptions.
(b) Information on Commission/Alleged Commission of Offence, any proceedings for an offence, anything that would raise child safeguarding concerns. A school/ETB carries out vetting in accordance with the Department of Education & Skills DES CL 0063/2010 entitled "Recruitment procedures-requirements for Garda Vetting"
For further information and guidance in relation to Garda vetting records, please see Garda Vetting Outcomes.
(c) [Note: ETB only]Information regarding disability. ETBs hold this information for the purposes of reporting to the Department of Education and Skills on the target for employment of persons with disability under the Disability Act 2005.