Coursework Photos/Images

Where students take photos/images/videos as part of their coursework (eg. transition year project), for as long as the photos/images/videos are not in the control of the school it will not constitute data to which the school’s data protection policy applies. So for example, when a student is compiling coursework at home, and at all relevant times the data is stored on personal devices which are not in the ownership or control of the School, the School’s data protection policy does not apply. This is because it is stored on a device which is not owned or controlled by the school. In such circumstances, students are solely responsible for the data. Images taken by students for coursework purposes should only be taken with the full knowledge and consent of participants.

Where students hand the photos/images/videos in to school (eg. for assessment/marking whether for State Examinations, or general school exams/projects etc) it will constitute personal data coming within the school’s obligations as a data controller and the school's data policy applies.