What is ‘informed consent’?
Informed consent is a process whereby participants are informed and asked for their permission or agreement prior to their data being collected (which might include taking photographs or recording images) Individuals should be informed of:
• the purpose(s) for which their data will be used (e.g image will be uploaded to the school website), and
• the people/bodies to whom it might be transferred. (Note: if it is intended to share the image with a third party (eg. a local newspaper), specific consent to transfer the image to a third party must be obtained prior to the data (such as a photo) being passed on or made available to a third party).
The individual should be given any other information required to ensure fairness and transparency. Consent should be obtained (preferably on an “opt-in” basis) for each of the intended uses. If this is not done, or if consent is refused, then personal data should not be passed on to third parties or put to any use not agreed. Informed consent includes being given the opportunity to withdraw consent which had been previously given, if desired. Their right to withdraw any consent previously given must be free of charge, and not result in the data subject suffering any detriment.