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Information on Data Protection Seminars

For Primary & Post Primary Schools

Presented by Millett & Matthews Solicitors

Date: 18th November 2015

Venue: Cavan Crystal Hotel, Dublin Road, Cavan.

Time: 6.00pm – 8.30pm

As advertised by: National Association of Boards of Management in Special Education (NABMSE)

Who should attend?

Primary & Post Primary Schools: Principals, Teachers & Members of Boards of Management


The Data Protection Act, 1988, and the Data Protection (Amendment) Act, 2003, safeguard the privacy rights of individuals with regard to personal data i.e. data relating to them which is held on computer files or in manual files which are structured or searchable by reference to individuals. As schools keep records of personal data for students and staff, they must comply with data protection legislation and Boards of Management have a key role in ensuring implementation of effective policy and practice in this regard. -Millett & Matthews Solicitors have extensive experience in the area of Data Protection and advised on the development of this website.

The evening will include:
1. What is data protection? What does it apply to and when is it relevant?
2. Future developments.
3. Recent cases in the news.
4. A tour of the new data protection website: www.dataprotectionschools.ie
5. Training staff: How to train receptionists/front line staff to detect phishing and blagging.
6. Data protection infrastructure and frameworks: IT security, logging and audit trails, access permission levels, physical and boundary security for offices and file storage areas.
7. CCTV systems and privacy rights of minors.
8. “Need to know”.
9. Releasing personal data to third parties and state agencies (including An Garda Siochana, TUSLA, Department of Social Protection, Department of Education etc).
10. Data Access Requests (including time limits, exemptions, and how to deal with refusals).
11. Common Scenarios in schools